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Safe Database Migration Pattern Without Downtime
I've been doing a continuous delivery talk for a while now and during my talk I describe a pattern of how to safely migrating one...

Platform as a Runtime (PaaR) - The Next Step in Platform Engineering
This article was first published on InfoQ, and I'm publishing it here for your convenience. Key takeaways Large, complex systems hinder...

Platform as a Runtime (PaaR) - Beyond Platform Engineering
By: Aviran Mordo - VP Engineering, Platform Engineering is something I’m personally very excited about and we at Wix have been...

8 Tips for Getting your First Job - The Junior Dilemma
The job market in the IT industry is boiling hot, with a huge shortage of tech workers. But this shortage of tech workers is not...

Don’t Look for 10X Developer - Build a Power^ Team
There is plenty of chatter about 10X developer, how you as a manager should strive to hire your 10X developers and create the perfect...

עשר סיבות מדוע וויקס היא המקום הכי טוב למפתחים בישראל
1. בוויקס שמים דגש על איכות הקוד והאנשים. המבנה הארגוני הייחודי של וויקס של גילדות דואג לכך שאיכות הקוד ופיתוח מקצועי ואישי של כל אחד...

Investing in Engineering Culture Attracts Engineer
I have been a software engineer for most of my life but until I joined Wix I had not worked in a place that put engineering as a core...

Sustainable Software Deliverability with Timelines
In my previous post "Kill the Deadlines" I rant about how (fake) deadlines are demotivating, reduce quality and burn development teams....

Scaling Engineering by Hacking Conway’s Law
So has a very unique company structure. While we are over 1200 people strong, we keep behaving like 400 people company. One of...

Why Should You Do Microservices (or maybe you shouldn’t)
Microservices architecture is really hyped these days (I should know, I have been talking about it in many conferences), however not many...

Best practices for scaling with microservices and DevOps is a highly successful cloud-based web development platform that has scaled rapidly. We now support around 80 130 million website...

Why I don't like to hire team leads
Every company has its own culture that it wants to preserve. As a company grows it becomes harder to preserve its culture as you as a...

Games of Gangs
Working in a product company you are always in conflict between the product short term, long term goals and tasks that engineering want...

MySQL Is a Great NoSQL
NoSQL is a set of database technologies built to handle massive amounts of data or specific data structures foreign to relational...

Building a Guild
A lot of people heard about Spotify company structure of Guilds and tribes. We at have a similar structure that has evolved over...

Building a Scalable and Resilient Architecture
This article is a summery of my DevoxxUK talk about microservices: Like many startups before us, started as a monolith... Surpasses 50 Million Users Worldwide! Ltd. (Nasdaq:WIX), a leading global web development platform, announced today that its worldwide user base had surpassed 50...

When Bad Product Makes Good Business
Being the head of a large engineering group I get to interview a lot of people. As part of the interview I ask people about their current...

Continuous Delivery - Part 5 - Startup - Self Test
So far we discussed Feature Toggle and A/B testing. These two methods enable safe guards that your code does not harm your system....

MASSIVE DDOS Attack Hit Leading Companies
Since last week a massive Denial of service attack (DDOS) hit major internet services in an attempt to bring the service down. Companies...

Speaking @QCon London 2014 - Wix's architecture at scale
Today I have a special treat for all the readers. I will be speaking at QCon London 2014 about Wix's architecture at scale, which I...

How A Single App Can Kill Your Phone
Up until few weeks ago I had a Samsung Galaxy S3 phone. While I was waiting patiently for Samsung to upgrade the Android OS 4.1 to a...

Kill The Deadlines
I have been building software for over 20 years and participated in many projects. Usually when you come to write a new feature or...

Dev Centric – Trust And Collaboration
After my first post about Dev Centric culture I got many questions on the topic which I will try to explain in the next few posts. At...
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